IPL Rejuvenation Treats the Skin Using a Non-Invasive Approach


You can say “so long” to the effects of rosacea, sun damage, or hyperpigmentation when IPL therapy is used. IPL, which stands for Intense Pulsed Light, is a photo-facial treatment that is also an innovative dermatology procedure. Using IPL enables doctors to transform blotchy or red skin into vibrant complexions.

How the Process Works

The procedure, which lasts 30 minutes, uses intense pulses of light that absorb deeply into the skin. As a result, the process causes the blood vessels and collagen just below the epidermis to constrict, which reduces the look of surface lines and redness.

Patients report only a very minimal feeling of discomfort. Sometimes swelling and redness may develop after treatment as well. However, the side effects go away in a short matter of time. Most of the benefits associated with IPL occur gradually after the treatment process.

Candidates for IPL photo rejuvenation in Perth normally have sun-damaged, discoloured, or blotchy skin. They may also exhibit freckles, large pores, or wrinkles. In some instances, patients with tanned skin experience complications from undergoing treatment. Therefore, all candidates need to fully discuss their particular skin issues with a trained dermatologist.

The Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate for IPL is a woman with untanned or white skin that is still somewhat elastic. Patients who undergo the treatment should have realistic expectations about what the procedure can do for them as well. When performed on the right candidate, IPL rejuvenation effectively enhances the skin texture and eliminates discolourations. It also minimises the pore size, wrinkles, and fine lines. If you have rosacea, the process as indicated proves to be advantageous for this skin condition as well.

When Treatment Is Contraindicated

Patients who have severe acne scars or noticeable facial lines may want to opt for a more aggressive treatment approach. In this case, a brow lift or face lift may be in order. Besides people with tanned or darker skin tones, individuals taking certain medications should also avoid IPL therapy. Some patients need to stop taking certain medicines at least six months before undergoing treatment. If you are pregnant, you should also wait to ask about treatment or schedule an appointment after you give birth.

Defining IPL

IPL skin rejuvenation in and of itself is a type of facial rejuvenation and non-surgical therapy that uses light energy. Wavelengths are utilised that become absorbed into the melanin, or the dark and pigmented areas in the skin.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

The number of sessions that are required depends on the skin condition and is therefore determined when treatment starts. Usually, a patient will undergo two to three treatments at two to four week intervals.

If a patient has vascular concerns, he or she may need a total of three to ten treatments overall. In this case, the appointments are usually spaced one or two weeks apart. If capillaries do not respond to IPL rejuvenation, diathermy may be advised.

IPL is used to reduce the looks of pigmented lesions such as sunspots, age spots, freckles, or general pigmentation. It is also used for vascular lesions such as spider veins or red spots. In addition, IPL gets rid of the appearance of facial flushing or an uneven mottled complexion. The therapy as indicated is not normally used to get rid of deep lines or scars.

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