What You Need to Know About Endometriosis Surgery


Endometriosis is a painful disorder involving the endometrium that grows outside the uterus. The disorder mainly affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the tissue lining the pelvis. As the condition occurs, your endometrial tissue thickens and breaks down with each occurring menstrual cycle. The disorder causes the trapping of the endometrial tissue leading to irritation of surrounding tissues, scars developing, and adhesion formation. If you are experiencing this condition, visit University Reproductive Associates, known as the best Hoboken endometriosis specialist. The team will provide you with quality health care and follow-ups to ensure your recovery.

Why Is the Surgery Performed?

There is a range of issues that may influence endometriosis surgery. For example, the tissue that grows inside your uterus known as endometrium may cause pain during sexual intercourse, periods, or bowel movements.

Doctors may recommend you get surgery if:

  • You are taking medication that has not helped – If hormone therapy or pain medications have not helped in some stages of endometriosis, the doctor may recommend surgery.
  • You have intense pain – Due to the endometrium growing in a misplaced position, you may experience severe pain that can affect your ability to conduct your daily activity. The doctor will likely recommend surgery.
  • If you can’t get pregnant due to the condition – The condition may affect the sperm and egg. The scar tissue can block the fallopian tube, making it harder for one to conceive.

It is important to go through all the options with the doctor before you decide on the most appropriate one.

What Surgical Procedures Are There?

Once the doctors have established that you have the condition. There are various surgical options if the disorder becomes severe. Here are some of them:

  • Laparoscopy surgery – This procedure involves the surgeon using a small camera to see into the abdomen and make an incision in the lower abdomen to remove the patches of endometriosis.
  • Hysterectomy surgery – This procedure is considered a last resort and involves removing your cervix and uterus. The surgeon also removes the visible lesions.
  • Laparotomy surgery – Known as open surgery the procedure involves the surgeon using a larger incision to remove the less visible endometriosis.

In all these surgical procedures, the doctor will give you general anesthesia to induce numbness or sleep. Surgeries are only an option if medical interventions have not worked.

How Long Will You Take to Recover?

You are likely to recover faster from laparoscopic surgery as compared to a laparotomy.

This is because laparoscopic surgery is a minor surgery.

If it is laparoscopy surgery alone without hysterectomy, you may recover in one to two days. While in the other two surgical procedures, it may take approximately 3 – 6 weeks.

During the recovery period, it is advisable to refrain from engaging in some normal activities. However, you will be required to consult your doctors before going back to engaging in activities such as exercising and driving.

Talk to an Endometriosis Specialist Today

Endometriosis is a painful condition that deters you from a healthy life if left untreated. There are various medical and surgical options you can consider depending on the severity of your condition. You should consult a specialist on the best treatment option for you. If you are experiencing pain because of endometriosis, visit University Reproductive Associates to discuss a treatment option suitable for you. The medical team at the health facility will assist you through the treatment process.

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