Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Sildenafil


Inability to produce a proper erection has been troublesome for a large section of men for a long time now. Fortunately, a few recent scientific developments have offered a relief to all of them. Honestly, for last two decades and more, people had hardly any alternative other than relying on some non-specific and inefficacious medical treatments. However, the day has come when men have a lot to cheer up once again since they have now got a very cogent solution i.e. sildenafil as a dependable solution of the problem.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction, in other words, Sexual Dysfunction, is nothing but a state of men when he is unable to keep up a stable erection level that is needed to achieve sexual penetration. Do you know that almost each one out of five men grows such problem with the age! So, definitely, the problem is grave enough to look for a solution.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

In general, erection function is caused by three main issues, if taken for granted. Well, three main factors result in keeping a proper erection level: Blood Flow, Nervous Supply, and Hormones. Vascular causes may harm the blood flow whereas neurological causes can affect the nerve signals. Persons having certain physical conditions are more prone to such kind of dysfunction. Persons suffering from High cholesterol, Heart disease and narrowing of blood vessels, Diabetes, Hormonal disorders including thyroid conditions and testosterone deficiency, Hormonal disorders including thyroid conditions and testosterone deficiency, Obesity and metabolic syndrome etc are prone to such physical instability.

What is sildenafil citrate?

Sildenafil citrate is the name of the solution that doctors often suggest treating erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Well, numerous studies have been conducted to assess the positive impact of this. The following are the benefits that you can expect while using the product.

  • You don’t need to fear for any pain or sexual infection because it is completely safe.
  • You can take it as pills as well; so no injections at least.
  • It remains effective for around 4 hours; so you have enough time to enjoy physical intercourse with your partner.
  • It makes you aware of your sexual health. Now, you can get rid of all sorts of mental depressions due to the disease.

The effectiveness of such elements has been so impressive that sildenafil citrate has come up with different brand names. Some popular names include Viagra, Malegra 120. In fact, service providers come up with a cheaper solution so that men can get the solution without any difficulty. But, buying original products is the first priority; hence you should always count on the reliability of the online store.

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