Knowing the Risk Factors and Preventive Measures for Varicose Veins


The body consists of different blood vessels, including veins that facilitate blood flow from other body parts to the heart. Veins consist of tiny valves which open to allow the flow of blood to the heart and close to prevent the backflow of blood. Damage to these valves causes blood to accumulate in the veins causing them to stretch and twist. These enlarged veins, which mainly occur in your legs, are referred to as varicose veins. They may be simply a cosmetic concern to some people or a source of pain and discomfort. Whatever the case may be for you, medical treatment, including College Park varithena, is necessary, especially after self-care practices such as exercise fail to improve your condition.

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are usually a result of weakened or damaged valves in your veins – vessels that transport blood from your body parts to your heart. The veins work against gravity while returning blood to the heart. These veins are made up of tiny valves that open as blood flows towards the heart and close to prevent backflow. If these valves are weak or damaged, blood pools in your veins instead, causing the veins to enlarge and twist. Below are the factors that cause valve damage and put you at risk for varicose veins.

Old age

The risk of varicose veins increases as you advance in age. The valves in your veins are prone to wear and tear as you grow older, making them weak. The wear and tear deteriorate the function of valves, allowing some blood to flow back into your veins instead of flowing to the heart.


While blood volume in your body increases during pregnancy to support the growth of the fetus, it also causes enlarged veins in your legs. This enlargement is because the veins strain since they transport more blood than usual. In addition, other factors such as hormonal changes during pregnancy contribute to varicose veins.


Varicose veins are twice more common in women than men. This statistic results from different factors such as hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause and before your periods. The hormones produced tend to relax the vein walls, causing some blood to flow back. Birth control methods such as oral contraceptives might also put you at risk for varicose veins.

How can I prevent varicose veins?

While you cannot completely prevent varicose veins, various measures can reduce your risk for this condition. For example:

  • Exercise regularly. Engaging in physical activity such as walking will help reduce symptoms such as swelling and pain. Besides minimizing the discomfort, practice is good for your overall health and enables you to lose extra pounds.
  • Keep your legs in an elevated position to enhance the flow of blood to the heart.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes as they put pressure on your veins and worsen the existing condition.
  • Take breaks in between long hours of standing or sitting by walking around for a few minutes.

Most of the time, varicose veins go away with home remedies, including wearing compression stockings. However, if your condition is severe, book a session with your doctor at Vascular Vein Centers for treatment to eliminate the pain.

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