Kybella: An Effective Treatment for Submental Fat


Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin. Kybella is made up of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in the body and helps to perform certain digestive functions. Injectable Kybella eliminates fat cells permanently by destroying them from within until your body eliminates them naturally through your liver and digestive system. Once destroyed, those cells can never store or accumulate fat again. A Smithtown Kybella can administer the treatment if you qualify.

How Does it Work?

Kybella is injected into the fat underneath the chin, where it destroys fat cells permanently. This reduction in fat helps improve the appearance of a double chin. No anesthesia or downtime is required. Results gradually appear as new collagen forms, and the body metabolizes the fat cells.

What Benefits Does It Offer?

Good Results

Natural-looking results can be seen in about 2 to 4 treatments, with optimal improvement by six months. While each treatment session may vary depending on the number of areas you want to treat and your response, sessions are generally spaced about one month apart for up to a total of 6 months of correction. Most patients will begin to notice results after one Kybella treatment, with patients seeing optimal results after 2 to 4 treatments.

Safe and Effective

Approximately 81% of patients reported improving their double chin after 2 Kybella treatments in a clinical study. Many chose to have Kybella as a treatment for a double chin because it’s comfortable and easy with no downtime. In nearly all cases, patients did not need follow-ups as results were seen immediately. The most common side effect was swelling, which lasted up to 10 days.


Kybella is non-invasive, eliminating the risk of surgery or any anesthetic. No anesthesia is required, and results are evident immediately. Kybella injections are quick, lasting 15 minutes or less per session, and customized for each patient’s unique needs.

Who Cannot Have Kybella Treatment?

You should not have Kybella if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant in the next six months. It is not known whether this medicine will harm an unborn baby. You should also avoid Kybella if you have a history of excessive scarring (cicatricial), facial infections, or allergic reactions to deoxycholic acid.

How is Kybella Injection Given?

The Kybella procedure takes about 15 minutes with minimal discomfort and no downtime depending on the number of treated areas. The treatment area may be numbed using a topical anesthetic cream for 15 minutes before the injection begins. The treatment is quick, with Kybella injected directly into the fat cells under your chin. Kybella may also be used to treat some additional areas of concern on the body, such as the chest and inner arms.

You should not receive more than 100 total units at one time. You may require multiple treatments, but the number of areas that you can treat at a time is limited to no more than five.

In summary, Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance and profile of submental fullness. Once injected below the chin, it permanently destroys fat cells. It offers natural, permanent results. It is also a safe and effective alternative to invasive procedures. You should avoid the treatment if you are pregnant, soon to be pregnant, or breastfeeding. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes.

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